Sara Golden Jewelry

My mantra for 2020

On a Personal NoteSara GoldenComment
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I was determined to get my mom a juicer for Christmas, and searching for one on Amazon yielded an overwhelming 1000+ results. Even sorting by customer reviews didn’t help much — there were still so many options, and none stood out as any better than the next. 

That got me thinking about how we have more choices and options than ever, but so many of them are worthless. We fill our closets with cheap clothes that won’t last us until next year, we gauge our love by the number of gifts we give, and we post a photo of the restaurant on Instagram but forget to enjoy the meal.

Are these things worth all that time, money, and effort?

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A desire for “quality over quantity” has been popping up so much lately that I’m making it my mantra for 2020. I want to focus on editing down and being more purposeful, and cutting out the unnecessary things so that the things I DO focus on are more meaningful and special. It’ll be a big theme in both my personal life and here, with Sara Golden Jewelry.

I want to provide something that’ll make your life feel a little richer. Why should I make something if you don’t think it’s special, or if you’re not excited to wear it? This year I plan on hunting down more unusual, unique stones. I’ll be releasing smaller collections that pack more of a punch. I’ll be doing fewer events so I can spend that extra time making you jewelry that you’ll hopefully fall in love with and want to keep forever.

Thanks for coming along on this journey with me so far — I can’t wait to dive into this new, more purposeful year with you!